Wednesday, September 5, 2012

1st pictures of China

Hi All,
I have finally gotten online with my computer!!! Yeah, now I should be able to post regularly, I hope (this still is China after all and the internet goes down at times).  I want to post a few pictures so you can see where I'm at, so here goes....

This is my first picture of China.  I'm on the flight from Beijing to Nanchang (pronounced Nonchong).

This isn't my apartment building, it is the one behind me (I'm taking the picture from my office window), but they look exactly the same so count up 13 stories and that's where I'd be.

This is the view behind my apartment...

And this is the view from the front.  Each morning I get to enjoy a fireworks show that is set off by the building in the upper left corner of this picture.

I have been "in country" a week and a day now and it has been one new experience after another.  Stay tuned for the next post and I'll tell you all about my experiences trying to order food (all in Chinese of course!).

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