Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My Apartment

Hello Everyone!  I hope this post finds everyone well.  I have been pretty sick for about a week with a head cold, fevers and headaches.  I guess it was the welcome to China illness as all 3 of us (the other 2 professors I came with) got sick, but hurray I'm finally starting to feel better!

Since I was so sick I didn't really leave my apartment for a few days and almost went stir crazy so I got the idea why not take pictures of my apartment!  Thankfully my apartment is nice and big and I have plenty of room to move around.  So here are a few of the pictures I took while "locked up" on the inside.  :  )

This is my bedroom.  Spent a lot of time there this past week.  Luckily the view outside the window is nice.  I also have an air conditioner in the bedroom which in Nanchang (90 degrees with 80+ percent humidity) is very important!

This is my spare bedroom.  I use it for storage and a workout room.

The bathroom is interesting, if you notice the shower is on the right wall.  Yes, no dedicated shower but this is also the norm in many places in Europe so I don't really mind.  The bathroom also has a couple of really intense heat lamps, which of course right now I don't use, but sure will be happy to have come winter time! Oh and it does have a sink you just can't see it as it's hidden by the front left wall.

My kitchen has all the regular things except a big oven.  The little box under the orange pan is my "oven".  It's more like a toaster oven but it works and I have a 2 burner stove so can cook most things.  My microwave sits on my "big" refrigerator.  Yes I said big.  I'm one of the lucky ones.  I have a dedicated freezer with my fridge.  Many of the expats do not.  The thing with the pink basket on it is my washing machine.  No dryer but I have a pole to hang my clothes on.

This is my my living room.  It's a nice size and as you can see I have a tv with over 20 channels in Chinese!  Actually I enjoy watching the kid shows.  I can actually pick out some of the words and most channels have subtitles (In Chinese for those who speak different dialects than Mandarin, like Cantonese, the written characters are all the same) and I like to pick out the characters I know.  Behind the fan is a small kitchen table.  Overall the apartment is really nice.  Of course after having been stuck in it for most of a week I started to go a little stir crazy but now that I'm starting to feel better I've been going out, so being able to come home to a nice apartment is great.

Not sure what I'll blog about next.  Guess you'll just have to come back and find out!
Zaijan (Goodbye) for now everyone!

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